P&T - UMR 1248
Pharmacology and Transplantation
Organ transplantation repairs broken human being. It is among the most promising techniques to repair any single damaged part of a body in the near future. The INSERM U1248 P&T (Pharmacology and Transplantation, ex-IPPRITT) unit is part of the hospital-university “Survival oPtimization in ORgan Transplantation” (FHU SUPORT) federation.
Owing to its translational research strategy, as led by clinicians, biologists, pharmacologists and physical-chemists, IPPRITT has developed both basic and clinical research programmes and tools to improve transplant patient care. The findings (mainly in pharmacology) are transferred to the clinics, aiming at the development of personalized medicine.
P&T News
Glyphosate (GLP) is the most frequently and intensively used herbicide in the world. People can be exposed to GLP through different pathways, such as food and drinking water. This exposure has a wide range of consequences on our health. In France, only a very handful of studies have investigated the population’s exposure to glyphosate by […]
Cet article GAIA : Glyphosate exposure in Limousin est apparu en premier sur Pharmacology & Transplantation .
From early 2022, our unit has obtained the ISO-9001 certification for its quality system management. This certification « defines requirements for the implementation of a quality management system for organisations wishing to continuously improve customer satisfaction and provide compliant products and services ». The work required to obtain the label took time and effort from many members […]
Cet article Certification of P&T for its quality management system est apparu en premier sur Pharmacology & Transplantation .
Sebastian Wicha is a leading the research group Clinical Pharmacy at the Institute of Pharmacy, University of Hamburg, Germany since 2017. He was a Junior Professor from 2017 to 2021, and was promoted to a tenured Full Professorship in 2021. He is a pharmacist by training holding a Ph.D. in Clinical Pharmacy from the Freie […]
Cet article Model-informed precision dosing & model averaging: the example of vancomycin by Prof. Sebastian Wicha est apparu en premier sur Pharmacology & Transplantation .
Last submissions
Julie Carré, Thomas Kerforne, Thierry Hauet, Laurent Macchi. Tissue Injury Protection: The Other Face of Anticoagulant Treatments in the Context of Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury with a Focus on Transplantation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24 (24), pp.17491. ⟨10.3390/ijms242417491⟩. ⟨hal-04831676⟩